Advance Payment

To facilitate the provision of legal services, Van Leeuwen Law Firm may request an advance payment from clients before commencing or continuing work on their behalf. This advance, known as a retainer, covers anticipated costs and fees and is deducted from subsequent interim or final invoices. Van Leeuwen Law Firm…

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Court Costs and Expenses

Any costs advanced by Van Leeuwen Law Firm to third parties, such as court fees, notary fees, or expert fees, are separately billed based on actual expenses incurred. This ensures that clients are aware of and accountable for the specific disbursements associated with their case. Van Leeuwen Law Firm takes…

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Office Costs

In addition to professional fees, Van Leeuwen Law Firm charges for administrative and office costs, including expenses for opening files, typing, printing, postage, and telephone usage. These costs are typically billed as a fixed percentage (e.g., 7%) of the total fees charged, providing transparency in the allocation of expenses. In…

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Legal Aid Insurance

Clients with legal aid insurance have the right to choose their own lawyer at the insurer’s expense when involved in a legal or administrative proceeding. This right extends even when legal representation is not mandatory, ensuring clients have autonomy in selecting legal representation aligned with their needs. Legal aid insurance,…

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Subsidized Legal Aid

Van Leeuwen Law Firm actively participates in subsidized legal aid programs, reflecting its commitment to providing access to justice for all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic background. This involvement extends beyond mere compliance with professional duties and embodies a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of legal advocacy. Van Leeuwen…

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Fee Based on Results

Notwithstanding the charging of fees, administration and office costs, including costs for opening a case or subsidiary file in a case, typing costs, printing and photocopying costs, postage costs, telephone costs, etc. will be charged under the heading ‘administration costs’ as a fixed 8% of the fees charged.…

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Fixed Price

For clients seeking predictability in their legal expenses, Van Leeuwen Law Firm offers the option of agreeing upon a fixed price beforehand. This approach involves breaking down the case into distinct components and estimating the time and additional expenses required for each component. By providing a transparent breakdown of costs,…

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Hourly Rate

Unless otherwise agreed, Van Leeuwen Law Firm charges for its services based on an hourly rate. These rates vary depending on factors such as the nature of the case, the complexity involved, the experience of the attorney, and the urgency of the matter. Hourly rates typically range from €200 to…

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