Security Licence Appeals

Security Guard licence appeals are a specialised area of the law. With security guards in the Netherlands it is not unusual for issues to come up with regard to licensing. Security Guard licence appeals can be complex and in order to have the highest chance of success you need to be discussing your case with a dedicated lawyer.

The Justis Department (Judicial agency for Testing, Integrity and Screening) have wide reaching authority to revoke and refuse licences. Often you will have a right to object directly to the Licensing committee (Justis Department). There is a right of appeal to the District Court if the licensing committee (Justis Department) uphold the refusal and thereafter in certain circumstances to the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State.

On occasion these powers can be misapplied and these issues can be successfully appealed at the District Court. Getting the correct advice and intervening at the earliest possible stage can be critical. On occasion, through careful negotiation and mediation a licensing authority may be persuaded to reinstate a security guard licence without going to the District Court or the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State. This of course would depend on the facts of the individual case.

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