Name changes

Every inhabitant of the Netherlands has a name, comprising of a first name and a surname. Everyone receives a surname at birth in the context of the arising of the official family tie. Which surname the child gets depends on the relationship under family law with the parents. All children…

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Child acknowledgement

When a child is born, the biological father is not necessarily immediately considered to be the legal father in accordance with the law. This legal tie between the child and a father can arise in various ways. If the parents are married, the legal tie between the child and the…

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Child protection measures

When there are serious concerns about the raising and care of a child, it may be necessary that intervention takes place in the home situation for the protection of the child. The concerns may relate to the manner of care by the parent, for example because the parent is not…

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Spousal alimony

There are misunderstandings about the existence of Spousal alimony, for instance that a woman has no right to Spousal alimony if she has her own income and works fulltime. The starting points for the determining of Spousal alimony are much more complicated.…

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Child alimony

Partners who jointly have one or more children will have to reach agreements about the division of the costs of the children when they split up, for example in the form of child alimony. These agreements must be recorded in a parenting plan.…

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Parenting plan

Since March 2009 the drawing up of a parenting plan in the event of separation has become obligatory for spouses and registered partners with minor children, regardless of whether there is joint parental authority. A divorce petition must contain a parenting plan. Unmarried parents with joint parental authority of minor…

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Legal separation

A legal separation can be taken very literally; one lives separately, therefore table and bed are no longer shared. This form of separation is nowadays often chosen because of religious conviction. Another important consideration in opting for a legal separation is that reconciliation is much simpler. According to the law,…

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If you decide to divorce, then various aspects will have to be discussed. It is important that the consequences of a divorce are properly dealt with. In the context of a divorce, the division of the community of property or the settlement of prenuptial agreement must be arranged. If the marriage is connected with…

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